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looking to strengthen your web presence?
Explore our services 😊

Our Happy Clients
Complex site on annual maintenance
Association of Health Procurement and Procurement Officers
This is an example of an expansive site that we developed and maintains. The site is complete with a number of eForms for membership registration and renewal as well as summary pages with slide images and downloadable conference content.​
The AHSPO is a not-for-profit organisation that conduct annual conferences, seminars and workshops, held in different locations around Victoria, Australia
Complex site complete with products catalogue and service bookings
The Face and Skin Institute was formerly the LeGrand Medispa now transferred to new ownership.
This site was created using the WIX platform after a complete replication from WordPress. This website showcases the potential to transfer a complex site (inclusive of shopping carts and booking systems) into a user-friendly web development platform that a client may choose to manage in the future.
Integrity Procurement
Simple site initial designed then self-managed by owner
Integrity Procurement
This is an example of an simple site that we developed and enabled maintenance and further development by the business owner.
The site is complete with base business information, contact details and further links to social media.​
Integrity Procurement specialises in providing government buyers and sellers with bespoke services in information technology sourcing, through leadership for all stages of the procurement cycle
Simple site on free WIX hosting
paulcreative photography service
This is an example of a simple business site that we developed.
The basic site is effective in maintaining a standard web presence. This enables the business owner to advertise and / or direct current and future clients to base information about that company, what it promises to deliver and to reinforce commitment to quality and professionalism.
Similar to this website, this website is hosted for free on the WIX platform capitalising on the free WIX domain name.
Personal Profile Website
Another Valentino Creative site, developed to promote a personal profile for social interests and for employment reference purposes.
UK Freight Company Website
Another Valentino Creative site, developed to demonstrate to a prospective client the possibilities of having a web Prescence through the WIX platform
I have started to work on WordPress, this sample site (please click link below) will progressively improve as I work on plug-ins in this platform.
be creative be happy

Hobyist subscription
$75 AUD / Month
Website hosting * ($15 / mo WIX Light)
Website security*
Website development and launch
Domain name registration *
2 GB Storage page #
Unlimited website adjustment
Minimum 6 months commitment paid in advance.

Median subscription
$120 AUD / Month
Website hosting * ($30 / mo WIX Core)
Website security*
Website development and launch
Domain name registration *
50 GB Storage page #
Unlimited website adjustment
Basic site analytics
Simple on-line store
Payment gateway
Minimum 6 months commitment paid in advance.

Cosmic subscription
$144 AUD / Month
Website hosting * ($44 / mo WIX Business)
Website security*
Website development and launch
Domain name registration *
100 GB Storage page #
Unlimited website adjustment
Advanced site analytics
Extended on-line store
Payment gateway
Minimum 6 months commitment paid in advance.
Recommended for:
if you already have an existing WIX subscription, please deduct the monthly WIX cost to the monthly subscription amount.
Once-off gig

Initial development + transfer over
Recommended for:
If you are just getting started, be it for hobby or business. This is for a small website and moving towards self-managerment.

Web replication + transfer over

Digital newsletters and flyers
$8.88 / page
Recommended for:
those with existing website and paying for exorbitant monthly maintenance fee. I can replicate your website onto the WIX platform and prepare you for self management of your website. This means, you pay only once.
3 or more web pages developed for a complete website
up to 2 hours on-line training for website self-management
(via Zoom or Microsoft teams) -
guidance for website hosting by WIX
guidance for domain name registration
All web pages including on-line catalogue, ordering system, booking system and forms replication into the WIX platform from an existing website
up to 2 hours on-line training for website self-management
(via Zoom or Microsoft teams) -
guidance for website hosting by WIX
guidance for domain name registration
Created using Microsoft Publisher
PDF presentation
No copywrite | Royalty-free images provided as sourced from WIX, unplash, etc
* Services limited to and provided by WIX (go to Wix.com for more information)
# The number of web pages that can be stored in 1 GB storage depends on the size of the web page. According to Digital Warroom, a gigabyte can store nearly 640 web pages with an average file size of 1.6 MB1. Computer Hope also states that a gigabyte can store 894,784 pages of plain text (1,200 characters)
Being creative can itself boost good feelings. Recognizing that creativity itself feels good helps broaden our focus from the outcomes of creative thought and action to also include the creative process.